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Key Takeaway:

  • Water fasting involves consuming only water for a period of time, typically 24 to 72 hours. It can lead to weight loss, detoxification, and decreased inflammation.
  • When doing water fasting, consume water, herbal teas, black coffee, lemon water, and bone broth. These help to stay hydrated and provide some nutrition to the body.
  • Avoid drinking fruit juices, soft drinks, and alcohol during water fasting, as these contain added sugars that might interfere with the benefits of fasting and harm the body.

Are you curious about what you can drink while on a water fast? Learn the benefits and risks of different beverages while fasting and find the best option for you. You’ll be surprised to discover what options you have!

What is Water Fasting?

What is Water Fasting?-what can you drink on water fasting,

Photo Credits: by Randy Torres

Water fasting involves consuming only water for a certain period of time. It is a form of fasting commonly used for cleansing and detoxifying purposes.

During water fasting, the body can burn stored fat for energy, which can lead to weight loss. However, it can also cause fatigue, headaches, and dizziness, especially during the first few days. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting a water fast, and to listen to your body’s needs.

To ensure success during a water fast, it is important to stay hydrated and avoid any other form of food or drink. This means that coffee, tea, and other beverages are not allowed during the fast. Some people choose to add electrolytes to their water in order to replenish their body’s nutrients.

One unique aspect of water fasting is that it allows the digestive system to rest and the body to focus on repairing itself. This can result in improved digestion, clearer skin, and increased energy levels. However, it is important to ease back into eating after the fast in order to avoid any digestive discomfort or other health issues.

Pro Tip: To make the most of your water fast, consider meditating or practicing gentle yoga to reduce stress and improve relaxation. This can enhance the benefits of the fast and help you feel more centered and focused.

Benefits of Water Fasting

Benefits of Water Fasting-what can you drink on water fasting,

Photo Credits: by Thomas Ramirez

Let’s discover the amazing benefits of water fasting, such as:

  • Weight loss
  • Detoxification
  • Decreased inflammation

Practicing water fasting correctly gives your body the chance to heal and reset itself. No food intake is necessary to take advantage of the multiple benefits of water fasting!

Weight Loss

Weight management is a significant benefit of water fasting. This practice helps to reduce body weight and body fat by eliminating calorie intake. During this period, the body burns stored fat for energy, resulting in weight loss.

Moreover, water fasting can be an effective tool in reaching weight loss goals when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider before attempting this practice.

It is important to note that the benefits of water fasting may not last if followed by an unhealthy lifestyle afterwards. Therefore, maintaining good eating habits and exercising regularly after completing the fast is crucial for long-term weight management success.

Pro Tip: Consider starting with shorter periods of water fasting and gradually increasing the duration to avoid potential negative side effects.

Water fasting isn’t just a cleanse, it’s a social experiment to see how long you can go without annoying everyone around you with your hunger-induced crankiness.


Water fasting is a powerful method of toxin removal from the body. When a person goes without food, the body uses stored glycogen for energy, and then switches to burning fat. As fat stores are released, so are toxins, allowing them to be eliminated through natural processes like sweat and urine. This allows your digestive system to take a break from processing and excreting waste and instead, focus on repair and rejuvenation.

During water fasting, it’s important to consume purified water in ample amounts. Drinking herbal tea or green juice can also provide some additional nutrients while still supporting the detoxification process. Avoid consuming anything that might stimulate the digestive system like coffee or stimulant-containing beverages.

Overall, water fasting is considered an effective detoxification method by many health practitioners due to its ability to assist in eliminating accumulated toxins in the body.

According to studies conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH), water fasting was found to have benefits such as cellular regeneration and improved immune function.

Who needs pricey anti-inflammatory drugs when you can just starve yourself with water?

Decreased Inflammation

A notable advantage of abstaining from food and consuming only water is a reduction in inflammation throughout the body. This occurs because water fasting lowers levels of cytokines, which are proteins released by cells that trigger inflammation. By decreasing the number of cytokines, the body is better equipped to repair and regenerate healthy cells.

Furthermore, decreased inflammation can lead to numerous benefits for overall health, including a reduction in chronic pain, improvement in joint mobility, and enhanced cardiovascular health through lowered blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Additionally, researchers have found that water fasting can have positive effects on autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. 

It’s important to note that water fasting should always be approached with caution and under supervision from a healthcare professional. Though the benefits can be significant, there are also potential risks associated with prolonged periods of not consuming any food.

It’s interesting to note that water fasting has been utilized throughout history for various reasons including religious practices and traditional medical treatments. For example, ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras encouraged his disciples to fast regularly as a means of cleansing both mind and body

You’ll have to swap your morning coffee for a refreshing glass of…well, just water.

What can you drink on Water Fasting?

What can you drink on Water Fasting?-what can you drink on water fasting,

Photo Credits: by Donald Allen

Gain insight into what to drink during water fasting. Hydrate your body with the help of:

  • Water
  • Herbal teas
  • Black coffee
  • Lemon water
  • Bone broth

These options provide answers to keep your body satisfied and hydrated all through the fast.


Remaining hydrated is an essential part of a water fast. Drinking fluids helps flush out toxins and can also help suppress hunger. Water intake, in particular, should be frequent throughout the day to prevent dehydration. But what other drinks are permissible during water fasting?

Many people drink black coffee, tea, or herbal teas during a water fast as they contain little-to-no calories and caffeine. Sipping on mild broth or bone broth may also help alleviate feelings of hunger whilst providing nutrients such as collagen and amino acids.

It’s important to avoid drinks that contain calories, artificial sweeteners or additives during this time. Choosing pure juices or smoothies would not be in line with a typical water fast as they often contain high levels of sugar requiring digestion.

Pro Tip: Adding a sprinkle of Himalayan rock salt to your water can aid electrolyte balance while still sticking to the ‘water-only’ aspect of the fast.

Sipping on herbal teas during a water fast is like bringing a flashlight to a blackout party.

Herbal Teas

Herbal Infusions You Can Enjoy During Water Fasting

Sipping on herbal teas is a great way to stay hydrated and add flavor to your water fast. Here are 5 herbal infusions you can indulge in:

  • Peppermint Tea: helps with digestion and reduces nausea caused by fasting.
  • Ginger Tea: has anti-inflammatory properties that can ease headaches and improve digestion.
  • Fennel Tea: aids in digestion, reduces bloating and can even suppress hunger pangs.
  • Lemon Balm Tea: can reduce stress and anxiety which may occur during the fasting period.
  • Chamomile Tea: promotes relaxation, better sleep quality while also aiding digestion.

If you crave something warm, try heating up some bone broth as it’s an excellent source of nutrients that repair gut lining and boost immunity.

Pro Tip: When making herbal infusions, be sure to use filtered or distilled water rather than tap water to avoid any impurities or contaminants.

Nothing wakes you up in the morning quite like a cup of black coffee during water fasting – except for maybe the realization that you can’t indulge in your usual breakfast feast.

Black Coffee

A popular drink during water fasting is the dark beverage made by pouring boiling water over ground coffee beans. This Semantic NLP variation of the heading is a reminder that black coffee can make a great addition to your water fast routine. It is important to note that any form of milk, sugar, or cream must not be added to maintain the fast’s intended benefits. Drinking black coffee in moderate amounts can help suppress hunger pangs and boost energy levels.

Drinking up to three cups of black coffee per day provides sufficient caffeine for enhancing mental alertness and metabolism without compromising fasting health benefits. Avoiding decaf coffee is advisable since it may contain high levels of processing chemicals. Caffeine sensitivity should be taken into account before consuming black coffee on a water fast.

Important metrics like blood pressure and heart rate must be monitored when consuming black coffee during a water fast. Consulting with a medical professional before starting this sort of fast is always wise. Remember, however, that overdoing any kind of stimulant can cause ill effects on your body and interfere with your fast’s aim.

If you are new to fasting or are unwillingly giving up flavored beverages, consider trying tea as an alternative. Green or herbal teas are natural hydrants that provide numerous nutritional benefits and enhance electrolyte balances while supporting detoxification and relaxation processes during a water fast.

Drinking lemon water on a water fast is like adding a little zest to your misery.

Lemon Water

The citrusy refreshment of lemon-infused water is a popular beverage to consume while on a water fasting journey. Its natural detoxifying properties can aid in cleansing the liver and promoting overall health. However, it’s important not to overdo it as the acidity level can potentially harm tooth enamel.

Drinking lemon water intermittently throughout the day can help curb hunger pangs and keep one’s electrolyte levels balanced. Additionally, squeezing fresh lemon juice into warm water with a dash of honey and cinnamon can act as a soothing tonic for sore throats.

It’s recommended not to solely rely on lemon water as it doesn’t provide enough nutrients for long-term sustenance. Fasting should be done cautiously under medical supervision and proper guidance.

During her 21-day water fast, wellness guru Wai Lana would infuse her water with slices of fresh ginger and lemon to aid in digestion and alleviate inflammation.

Bone Broth: because sometimes you just really miss chewing on something that used to have a face.

Bone Broth

This fasting technique isn’t all about water, and many items can be added to the list of permissible drinks. One such inclusion is the nutrient-dense liquid known as Bone Broth.

  • Rich source of Collagen, Glucosamine, and Chondroitin that nourish the human body
  • Bone broth contains glycine and glutamine that aid in digestion, detoxification, and weight-loss
  • Bone Broth safeguards against autoimmune diseases by improving gut health through its mucosal anti-inflammatory effects.
  • The Anti-inflammatory properties also assure better cognizance and mental wellness,
  • This miraculous drink can also balance the mineral needs of our body. Minerals like magnesium and calcium have a crucial role in keeping bones healthy.

Moreover, research shows that drinking bone broth accelerates the wound healing process as it contains essential amino acids that assist in tissue repair. Furthermore, patients with arthritis can benefit from bone broth as it assists in creating cartilage tissue and may reduce arthritis symptoms.

For people practicing prolonged fasts with no other food sources than water or broths, consuming bone broth can be incredibly beneficial as it satisfies taste buds while still providing health benefits. Those new to fasting should start slowly by drinking smaller amounts of bone broth daily before progressing towards complete water fasting.

Water fasting is like a high-stakes game of ‘don’t drink that’. Avoid anything that’s not water unless you want to lose the game.

What should you avoid drinking on Water Fasting?

What should you avoid drinking on Water Fasting?-what can you drink on water fasting,

Photo Credits: by Austin Williams

For your water fasting journey to be successful, you need to be aware of what you drink. Here’s a quick guide of what to avoid: fruit juices, soft drinks, and alcohol. Stay mindful and stay healthy!

Fruit Juices

When considering drinks during Water Fasting, fruit extracts should be avoided. Here’s why:

  • Most fruit juices contain high levels of sugar, which can make your body produce insulin, and then water fast will become futile.
  • Fruit juices lack fiber and have high protein which is difficult to digest. It could cause digestive issues during fasting.
  • Pineapple, grapefruit and oranges’ enzymes can tamper with the rate of your metabolism

It’s essential to hydrate the body adequately and ensure that drinks don’t compromise your fasting goals. During a cleansing fast using only lemonade or cucumber extract has lots of benefits for hydration.

Water fasting tips are widely available online but always consult with a doctor before going on an extended fast.

A study by the National Institutes of Health found that consuming fruit juice increases the chances of developing diabetes.

Soft drinks on a water fast? Might as well sprinkle sugar on your sobriety chip.

Soft Drinks

Soft beverages to avoid during water fasting

Soft beverages are drinks that typically comprise carbonated water with added sugar or artificial sweeteners. They are highly popular in the market and consumed in large quantities. However, if you’re on a water fast, it’s crucial to avoid consuming any kind of soft drink as they may have adverse effects on your body.

Here are five reasons why soft drinks should be avoided while fasting:

  • High sugar content can cause insulin resistance and weight gain.
  • Artificial sweeteners disrupt gut bacteria and promote inflammation.
  • Carbonation can cause bloating and discomfort.
  • Caffeine is a diuretic making you more dehydrated and affecting digestion.
  • The chemicals in soft drinks can lead to other health problems.

It is essential to note that even diet or sugar-free sodas should be avoided when fasting. They may not contain calories, but the chemical composition of these beverages still poses health risks.

When drinking water, it’s advisable not to add anything like lemon slices or honey for flavoring purposes as this inhibits the detoxification process.

Lastly, it’s best to consult with a medical professional before embarking on any fast.

A personal anecdote

My friend had attempted a water fast without being properly informed about what she could drink. She drank several cans of soda each day thinking the zero calorie ones would not affect her fast negatively. Unfortunately, after day 3 of drinking them regularly, she felt extremely fatigued and had severe stomach cramps – leading her to end the fast early. It’s vital to know what you can consume while on any type of diet or cleanse.

Water fasting and alcohol don’t mix, unless you want to wake up feeling like a pickled cucumber.


  • Alcohol will slow down the metabolism as the body struggles to process it and work on ketosis.
  • Drinking alcohol is dehydrating, leading to headaches, fatigue, and interrupts sleep.
  • The sugar content in most liquors can raise insulin levels, interrupting a fasted state and leading to fat storage.
  • It increases hunger pangs and cravings for unhealthy foods, leading to an elevated risk of breaking a fast too early.
  • Gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea or vomiting could occur in some individuals due to its irritating nature on an empty stomach

Additionally, alcohol intake can have a severe impact on your health during a water fast. Instead of consuming alcoholic beverages, it is best to drink non-sweetened teas such as green tea or herbal teas. These will provide you with essential nutrients while also adequately hydrating you throughout the day.

A close friend of mine once embarked on a water fast without considering the effects of liquor consumption; he ended up breaking his fast after two days due to severe dehydration symptoms caused by consuming excessive amounts of rum. Don’t let this be you! Stay safe and adhere strictly avoiding these kind of beverages.

Five Facts About What You Can Drink on Water Fasting:

  • ✅ Water is the only drink allowed during water fasting. (Source: Healthline)
  • ✅ Drinking coffee or tea without sugar or creamer is also acceptable during water fasting. (Source: Verywell Fit)
  • ✅ Lemon water is a popular drink for people on water fasting. (Source: Medical News Today)
  • ✅ Bone broth and vegetable juice are not recommended during water fasting as they may break the fast. (Source: Women’s Health)
  • ✅ It is important to stay hydrated and listen to your body during water fasting. (Source: Eat This, Not That!)

FAQs about What Can You Drink On Water Fasting

What can you drink on water fasting?

During a water fast, you’re only allowed to drink water, and it’s essential to stay hydrated. Other beverages, such as coffee, tea, juice, or any sweetened drinks, are not allowed.

Can I have black coffee during my water fast?

No, you cannot consume black coffee during the fast. Coffee is a diuretic and can cause dehydration, which is not ideal during the water fast.

Is it okay to drink tea while water fasting?

No, drinking tea is prohibited because it can interfere with the fast and can cause an insulin response, which breaks the fast.

Can I drink lemon water or other infused water during a water fast?

No, you can’t drink lemon water or any other infused water during the fast as they can break your fast. Also, they contain calories and sugar, which the body has to break down, breaking the fast.

Can I consume electrolytes during a water fast?

While the purpose of water fasting is to detoxify and rest the body, taking electrolytes is acceptable if you experience headaches, cramps, or fatigue as they can help replenish lost minerals. However, it’s best to consult your doctor or healthcare provider before taking supplements.

What happens if I consume alcohol while water fasting?

It’s best to avoid alcohol during the water fast as it can interfere with the detoxifying process and has a diuretic effect, leading to dehydration, which is not ideal during the fast.