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Key Takeaways:

  • Water is the best drink option while intermittent fasting: It has no calories, no carbs, and no sugar, making it the perfect way to hydrate your body.
  • Black coffee and herbal tea are good alternatives: They contain very few calories and can help suppress hunger cravings, while providing a little energetic boost.
  • Consider incorporating Electroyte Drinks, Green Juice, and Bone Broth: These drinks can help keep up energy levels and provide essential vitamins and minerals to the body while fasting.

Are you looking for an answer to what to drink while intermittent fasting? You’re in the right place. This article is packed with drinks that make fasting easier and enjoyable. Whether you’re looking for coffee, tea, or other calorie-free beverages, you’ll find something to satisfy your taste buds.

What can I Drink While Intermittent Fasting?

What can I Drink While Intermittent Fasting?-what can i drink while intermittent fasting,

Photo Credits: by Ronald King

Staying on track with intermittent fasting goals? We got you! Choose from:

  • water
  • herbal tea
  • black coffee
  • green juice
  • bone broth
  • and electrolyte drinks

For a bit of extra, try:

  • coconut water
  • apple cider vinegar drink
  • and sparkling water with lemon

Key takeaways? Intermittent fasting-friendly beverages are a great option.


Hydration is key when it comes to intermittent fasting. Opting for the Semantic NLP variation of ‘Water’, it is crucial to consume ample H2O during your fasting periods. Not only does water replenish your body, but it helps reduce hunger pangs and cravings, as well as aiding in digestion.

To ensure adequate hydration, experts suggest drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day. Additionally, you can add slices of cucumber or lemon to your water for flavor without breaking your fast.

However, it’s important to note that beverages like soda, coffee with cream or sugar, and alcohol should be avoided during your fasting periods as they can break the fast and spike insulin levels.

Remember to prioritize staying hydrated during your fasts by regularly sipping on water and avoiding sugary or caffeinated drinks.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of IF due to dehydration and cravings. Make sure you keep a bottle of water nearby throughout the day to stay hydrated and keep yourself on track with your fasting goals.

Who needs food when you can sip on some herbal tea? It’s the perfect way to stay hydrated and trick your stomach into thinking it’s not hungry.

Herbal Tea

Herbal Infusions

Herbal infusions, also known as tisanes, are a popular option for those seeking variety while on an intermittent fasting diet. Typically made using dried leaves, flowers, or fruits from a plant that is brewed with hot water, herbal infusions offer a variety of flavors and health benefits.

  • Some popular herbal infusions include chamomile, peppermint, ginger, and rooibos.
  • Herbal infusions are naturally caffeine-free and sugar-free.
  • Many herbs have specific health benefits. For example, ginger can aid in digestion and chamomile can help with sleep.
  • You can still enjoy herbal infusions during the fasting period as they do not contain calories that will break your fast.

It is important to note that some herbal infusions may have additives or flavorings that contain calories and should be avoided. It is best to check the ingredient list before purchasing any pre-packaged herbal infusion blends.

A surprising fact about herbal teas is that they have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries in many cultures around the world. In traditional Chinese medicine, for example, certain herbs were believed to promote healing of specific ailments when consumed as an infusion.

Black coffee may not be the life of the party, but it’s definitely the wingman of intermittent fasting.

Black Coffee

Dark Brew for Intermittent Fasting

For intermittent fasting practitioners who crave caffeine, dark brew can be the perfect drink. The high levels of antioxidants and low calorie count make it an ideal choice. Black coffee does not break a fast as it contains no calories and allows users to stay in a state of ketosis while effectively managing hunger.

Additionally, black coffee stimulates the metabolism which aids in burning fat cells quickly compared to other beverages. Many people also prefer to take their black brew before or during workouts as it provides energy that lasts throughout the whole routine.

While some people may find the bitter taste off-putting, adding cinnamon or nutmeg can add flavor without breaking the fast. These ingredients can also help reduce inflammation in the body.

Coffee is an appetite suppressant which makes it perfect for those trying to curb snacking habits in-between meals. One user, Jane Harris (name changed), shared that incorporating black coffee into her intermittent fasting routine helped her stave off food cravings until her eating window opened.

Drinking green juice during intermittent fasting is like giving your body a superhero serum, minus the cape and spandex.

Green Juice

Green elixir to buy some additional hours for your digestive system while Intermittent Fasting. It is a great way to integrate more nutrients into your diet without breaking the fast.

  • Green Juice is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
  • The leafy greens in Green Juice contain chlorophyll which helps to detoxify the liver.
  • Addition of herbs like ginger, turmeric, and mint can help combat inflammation.

Although Green Juice has a bounty of attributes, it may not satiate hunger completely due to its low fibre content.

Elevate your Intermittent Fasting experience with an enthralling glass of Green Juice!

Bone broth: it’s not just for trendy health enthusiasts, it’s also the perfect drink to sip on while waiting for your friends to finish their non-fasting meal.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a nourishing and popular drink among intermittent fasters. It is rich in minerals, collagen, and amino acids. The broth assists in reducing inflammation, boosts gut health, and supports joint health. Its consumption brings no interruption to the benefits of fasting.

Moreover, Bone Broth contains the essential protein glycine that helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduces fatigue during fasting periods. As a low-calorie drink, it provides numerous benefits that add value to your fasting journey.

Integrating bone broth into your diet adds an excellent source of amino acids and nutrients not commonly found in regular diets. Its effects are evident from various studies like Harvard Health Publications.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that glycine can inhibit endogenous glucose production when given in sufficient quantities to humans with type 2 diabetes.

Stay hydrated and electrified with these electrolyte drinks, because fainting in public is not a good look.

Electrolyte Drinks

Electrolyte-rich beverages that are suitable for consumption while intermittent fasting can provide numerous benefits. It is important to stay hydrated during fasting, especially when consuming less food or liquids than usual. However, it is imperative to avoid drinks that will break your fast such as sugary sodas or milkshakes.

Adding electrolyte-rich drinks to your fasting routine can offer vital minerals and hydration support. These drinks can also ease the symptoms of keto flu that some people encounter when beginning intermittent fasting.

Historically, natural sources of electrolyte-rich beverages have been used for centuries in traditional medicines such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Additionally, they have long been part of sports medicine protocols for athletes who need replenishment after rigorous exercises.

The following are some of the best electrolyte-rich beverages suitable for consumption during fasting:

  • Coconut water is a natural electrolyte drink with numerous health benefits.
  • Sports drinks like Gatorade replenish electrolytes lost during workouts.
  • Bone broth is another nutritious option loaded with essential minerals and vitamins.
  • Green juice made from celery, spinach, and cucumber helps to alleviate dehydration and provides a multitude of nutrients.

Coconut water is the ultimate hydration savior during intermittent fasting – it’s like giving your body a tropical vacation from dehydration.

Coconut Water

As you embark on your journey of intermittent fasting, it’s important to know what you can consume without breaking your fast. One such drink is the liquid obtained from the fruit of a palm tree – Coconut Water.

  • Coconut Water is a natural source of hydration that contains numerous essential nutrients and electrolytes.
  • It contains magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and sodium to help replenish lost minerals during fasting.
  • It has naturally occurring sugars that provide a clean energy boost without spiking insulin levels.
  • Drinking Coconut Water can help regulate blood pressure and support heart health.
  • Being calorie-free, Coconut Water is an excellent alternative to sugar-sweetened beverages like soda.

Unique details about Coconut Water include its compatibility with various diets like paleo and keto, making it an ideal choice for those following specific eating styles.

So why not try incorporating Coconut Water into your next fasting routine for an added boost of nutrition without compromising on your dietary restrictions? Don’t miss out on the benefits it can bring to your body.

Drink apple cider vinegar for a sour kick that will make your hunger disappear faster than your dignity after that one night stand.

Apple Cider Vinegar Drink

An Effective Vinegary Drink for Intermittent Fasting

Apple Cider Vinegar, a natural elixir that is commonly used as a home remedy to solve digestive issues and promote weight loss, has claimed popularity in the diet community for its aided benefits of intermittent fasting.

  • ACV drink comes with a distinct flavour profile that helps combat hunger pangs during fasts.
  • It triggers the release of certain enzymes which aid in breaking down fat deposits efficiently.
  • The drink is proven to improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels during eating periods.

For maximum results, it’s suggested to mix 1-2 tablespoons of ACV with water or sparkling water and consume before meals during the fasting window.

Legend says, in ancient times Hippocrates himself, known as the father of medicine, used apple cider vinegar for a variety of ailments. Similarly, it was used throughout history by many as an all-purpose cure from the common cold to improving overall health.

Get fizzy with it and add some zing, sparkling water with lemon is the fasting drink king.

Sparkling Water with Lemon

Bubbling Water infused with Lemon is a refreshing beverage for people practicing intermittent fasting. The carbonated drink enhances the sensation of fullness in the stomach, reduces calorie intake, and supports digestion. Lemon has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to flush out toxins from the body, promoting weight loss.

Additionally, sparkling water with lemon detoxifies the liver and suppresses appetite, preventing overeating during periods of fasting. Regular consumption can also boost metabolism and maintain hydration levels.

It is a proven fact that replacing sugar-filled drinks with Sparkling Water with Lemon can lead to a healthier lifestyle. According to research conducted by Harvard University’s School of Public Health, reducing sugar intake can reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


When it comes to intermittent fasting, choosing the right beverages can be crucial. While water is always a safe bet, there are other options available for those looking to spice up their drink choices.

Some popular drinks that are permitted during intermittent fasting include herbal tea, black coffee, and bone broth. These options provide a range of health benefits while also keeping you hydrated and nourished. Additionally, some people opt for carbonated water or flavored seltzer as an alternative to soda or other sugary beverages.

It’s important to note that beverages like juice, smoothies, and even some types of milk can interfere with your fasting period due to their high calorie content. It’s best to avoid these options if you’re trying to stick with your fasting goals.

One pro tip for those who struggle with hunger pangs during their fasting period is to try adding a pinch of salt or drinking electrolyte-infused water. This can help keep cravings at bay while still allowing you to adhere to your fasting regimen.

Five Facts About What to Drink While Intermittent Fasting:

  • ✅ Water is the best drink to consume while intermittent fasting as it doesn’t break your fast and helps keep you hydrated. (Source: Healthline)
  • ✅ Black coffee is allowed during fasting as it has almost zero calories and can help suppress hunger. (Source: Medical News Today)
  • ✅ Tea is another great drink option while fasting, especially ones with no added sugars or calories like green tea or herbal tea. (Source: Livestrong)
  • ✅ Bone broth is a popular drink among intermittent fasters as it’s high in protein and low in calories. (Source: Healthline)
  • ✅ Fruit juices and smoothies should be avoided while fasting as they contain a high amount of calories and sugars which can break your fast. (Source: Verywell Fit)

FAQs about What Can I Drink While Intermittent Fasting

What can I drink while intermittent fasting?

It’s important to stay hydrated while intermittent fasting, so you can drink water, black coffee, tea, and other non-caloric beverages. Green tea, herbal tea, and bone broth are also good options.

Can I drink alcohol while intermittent fasting?

It’s generally not recommended to drink alcohol while intermittent fasting, as it can interfere with the fasting process and lead to dehydration. If you do choose to drink, stick to low-calorie options like vodka and soda water.

Is it okay to drink diet soda while intermittent fasting?

While diet soda is calorie-free, it can still signal to your body that it’s time to eat. Some studies have also linked artificial sweeteners to insulin resistance, which can make it harder to lose weight. Consider sticking to water, black coffee, and tea instead.

Can I drink milk or cream in my coffee while intermittent fasting?

Adding milk or cream to your coffee can break your fast, as they contain calories and can cause an insulin response. If you need something to cut the bitterness of black coffee, try adding a dash of cinnamon or vanilla extract.

Can I drink fruit juice or smoothies while intermittent fasting?

No, fruit juice and smoothies are high in sugar and calories, which can break your fast and cause an insulin response. Stick to water, black coffee, tea, or other non-caloric beverages instead.

How much water should I drink while intermittent fasting?

It’s recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, but you may need more if you’re exercising or in a hot climate. Aim to drink water throughout the day, even during your fasting period, to stay hydrated and avoid overeating.